January 28, 2008

How did we arrive here?

As some of you may know, I just don't buy organized religion. I was raised Catholic, and after 21 years of believing firmly in God and His son, it just got to the point where Catholic "teaching" and doctrine seemed like nothing but mysticism.

That said, I truly respect people who believe in a higher power. They possess a faith and commitment that just isn't in me at this point in my life. What I can't respect, though, is when those who believe in organized religion (and Christianity in particular) start to think that their faith somehow ties in to their nationality.

I mean, just look at this:

When did we stop looking to the founding fathers for advice on how to run things? When did God become a public officer? Shouldn't all these politicians who seem so keen on serving the Lord be realizing that calling in the ministry and not the government?

I don't know, but I certainly think that, at least when it comes to running a country, we might want to start looking more at the words in the Constitution, and less at those in the Bible.

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