December 29, 2007

Why can't we all just love each other?

This country is divided.
It's full of factions
glorified high school cliques.
And none of them seem to like each other.
One clan calls the other fags,
The other strikes back with morons,
Most don't ever say these words.
But they think them
and the hate that broods beneath the surface shows.

We are a nation
a world
a singular people

Why can't we all,
in a world that lets us connect as never before,
just love each other?
Our differences are what make the world go round.
They advance the conversation,
They develop our collective mind.
But lately, it seems we do not want to know what lies ahead.
We'd rather cling to what we have
and march backwards into the oblivion from which we came.

For those of you that believe in a higher power,
love is the ticket to a happy eternity.
For those of you that don't,
love is the ticket to a happy today.

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