May 19, 2008


Ever since the day I graduated from what today still feels like my home, I've struggled.
I've struggled with selling out.
I've struggled with the day-to-day grind.
I've struggled with what's become of my life.

But every day I see her, I regain my purpose.
She is my happiness.
She is my fun.
She is my clarity.

I come home every day to stories of pre-schoolers.
They could care less about the concept.
They could care less about the big idea.
They could care less about the best way to sell.
And they make me care about it a little less, too.

And it's oh so refreshing to forget about it all.

What's the goal in your life?
What's the objective?
What's the point?

Let me tell you.
For me, it's her.
It's them.
It's It.
And I'll never forget It.

Don't you ever, ever, ever forget It, either.
Because It, my friends,
It is all that matters.

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