May 27, 2008

Another quote, this time from a article entitled "How Rock Band Saved My Marriage"

Life is filled with unpleasant realities. We have to watch what we eat and go to the dentist; we have to control our spending and unplug our electrical devices at night, lest we become obese and toothless, drowning in a sea of consumer debt and glacial melt. None of us can stay 18, and very few of us will ever be rock stars. It's important to acknowledge this; it's healthy. But sometimes we need to escape into a daydream in order to face what we've become, and what we will be. And if once in a while you can escape with someone else, then that's about the best you can do.

I know I'm not in my 30's or 40's yet. Hell, I'm not even technically in my mid 20's yet. But still, I see myself aging. Getting bigger. More mature. Less energetic. I'm starting to realize that if I ever want to get better or thinner or smarter, then the time is now.

Pretty soon I'll be staring at my life and I'll be too far gone to ever go back. This scares the living shit out of me.

And that's why, starting today, I'm making life a more fun, more centered and just all around better trip. Join in if you want, but brace yourself. If I know myself as well as I think I do, then it's gonna be one wild and crazy ride.

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