June 15, 2008

Time to get some dirt under my nails.

I went to buy my wedding band last weekend, and much to my surprise, they don't make the one I want in the size I need. I'm a size 14.5. The ring only goes up to size 13. What a predicament.

All last week I thought about shopping around or having one custom-made. I suppose that might work, but it seems like the problem isn't necessarily that the ring is too small. It just may be that my finger is too big.

So, as of this weekend, I'm going to make my life a better one. Run more. Eat (and drink) better and less. Take control of my health and my life. Because as (and talk about great advice from unlikely places) Chad Johnson in the latest ESPN Magazine:

"Some people say the grass is always greener on the other side. I say be the gardner. Water the grass. Feed the grass. Make your own grass grow.

I make the grass grow wherever I am.

I am the gardner."

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