Then I saw the Roku box that streamed said movies right to my TV. "Touche, NetFlix," I said. "Well played." I was indeed thoroughly overjoyed by this new creation, and thought it to be the pinnacle of human innovation. In fact, once I had the money to flush down the shitter on unnecessary crap, I was to own one.
But, sadly, now Roku will never get their hands on my hard-earned dough. Why, you ask?
Lo and behold -- NetFlix on XBOX 360. Coming this fall to a living room near you. I can't believe I'm saying this, but blessed be Microsoft and the most heavenly game console/media server she has bestowed upon us.
Need proof that the miracle is actually happening? Check the pic. It's the new XBOX 360 Dashboard (again, coming this fall) with a NetFlix queue on it. Thanks, Engadget.

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